This year marks the 39th anniversary of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Through CDBG, economic development, housing, infrastructure and public service projects have been possible throughout the Miami Valley region. Recognizing it is critical the President and members of Congress understand the impact the CDBG program has on our community’s abilities to address the needs of our citizens, area community development leaders and practitioners were invited to Carillon Park in Dayton, Ohio to join in the Community Development Week celebration.
Dan Foley, Montgomery County Commissioner, in his welcome thanked attendees for their continued dedication to the CDBG program striving to maintain a good quality of life for area residents in the respected communities.
Keynote speaker for the morning was Gene Krebs, political writer, commentator and former legislator. To view his presentation - Click here.
Following the keynote, Amy Riegel, Matt Dunn and Jon Boeckman presented community CDBG projects – Pecha Kuncha Style! To view their slides – Click here. And watch for this presentation at an upcoming OCCD Quarterly.
Ceremonial check presentations were made by Jorgelle Lawson CPD Director of the Columbus HUD office and Heidi Crabtree and Bill Bope of the Ohio Development Services Agency’s Office of Community Development to - Montgomery County, City of Dayton, City of Fairborn, City of Kettering, City of Springfield, Clark County, Greene County Board and City of Xenia.