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OCCD Committees for 2021 - 2022

September 27, 2021

OCCD Committees for 2021 – 2021


Legislative Committee

Function: To monitor state and federal legislation and investigate issues potentially affecting the Association's objective and purpose. To recommend to the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors actions to be taken by the Association concerning significant legislative matters. Also to prepare and offer testimony when deemed necessary on behalf of the Association and to perform related tasks assigned by the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.

Chair   Stephen Torsell, Homes on the Hill
Board Liaison   Stephen Torsell, Homes on the Hill
    Dale Hartle, Ohio Regional Development Corp
    Max Upton, Lorain
    Anthony Core, Squiare Patton Boggs LLP
    Kenneth Lengieza, Marion County RPC
    Deauna Gibbs, OCD Representative

Membership Committee 

Function: To develop and affect resourceful methods and procedures for recruiting and maintaining a full and active membership in the Association.

Board Liaison   Dawn Fish, Canton
    Courtney Schneider, CountyCorp
    Chad Downing, Downing Community Advisors


Nominating Committee 

Function: To be responsible for the orderly transfer of the elected positions of the Association. Also to serve as the Elections Committee during the Annual Meeting, with the Chairman serving as Presiding Officer. The Elections Committee is responsible for validating the eligible voting membership, conducting the elections, tabulating the results and announcing the official results to the membership.

Chair   Angela Brown, Kettering
    Rollin Seward, Canton
    Kenneth Lengieza, Marion County RPC


Finance Committee

Function: To perform an annual review of the audit report of the Association and present findings at a Quarterly Meeting of the Association.  The Committee shall also assist with the preparation of the annual budget, review investments and other financial matters as requested by the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors.

Chair   Dawn Fish, Canton
Board Liaison   Dawn Fish, Canton
    Terri Fetherolf, Vinton County


State Programs Committee 

Function: To address situations, programs, and circumstances which impact those communities, nonprofits, or other entities which do not receive funding for various activities directly from the U.S. Government, but rather, from the State of Ohio.

Chair   Nikki Reese, Troy
Board Liaison   Jotika Shetty, Richland County
    Evelyn Warr-Cummings, Marion County RPC
    Mary Oakley, OCD Representative
    Shana Garrett, OCD Representative
    Scott Hillis, Ohio Regional Development Corp
    Paul Tecpanecatl, Poggemeyer Design Group
    Nikki Hiller, Ashland County
    Erin Wright, The Thrasher Group
    Fred Burkhardt, Geneva Analytics Ltd. / Geneva Investment Group Ltd.


Sessions & Training Programs Committee

(Quarterly Meetings and Training Needs)
Function: To assist the Vice President with the planning of programs for each of the quarterly sessions and provide input into speakers. This committee shall also be responsible for suggestions for additional trainings.

Chair   Terri Fetherolf, Vinton County
    Steve Garnack, MORPC
    Samantha Walters, Massillon
    Rebecca Garrett, MORPC
    Rita Parise, Columbus
    Lisa Much, Ohio CDC Association
    Adam Blake, CountyCorp
    Anthony Forte, HUD Liaison
    Tim Allen, OCD Representative
    Holly Miller, Summit County
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